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The Highlanders E-Mail Adresse s IP angucken

erstellt am 12. Juni 2022 um 17:11 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
Hi Georg,

I have a question about C64Studio 7.1. When I create a new Solution and a new Project inside that solution and then import .asm text files into that Project using Project - Import or Add Existing Files using the solution explorer, I notice that some extra bytes are added to the beginning of each source file.

The bytes added are 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF

Apparently the internal assembler ignores these bytes, but when I want to assemble the files using a different assembler (like Kick or 64tass) they fail due to syntax errors. The added bytes are flagged as errors.

The moment I try to add a Compile Target through the element properties of the active .asm file, and close the solution, the bytes appear in the source file text.

Is this intended? What is the correct procedure to follow when I want to create a new Solution and Project which aims to use an external assembler with Custom Build Events?


s IP angucken

erstellt am 01. Juni 2022 um 21:41 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
- swagmaster27 javascript:setsmile(' cool ')

s IP angucken

erstellt am 25. Mai 2022 um 5:59 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
I previously commented on a problem I had when trying to upgrade from C64 Studio 6.5 to 7.1 on Windows 10 and how an ASM file that works on 6.5 gives an error message on 7.1.

You said I can email you the code so you can see what the problem is. What email address should I send it to?

I'm not registered on this site, and I don't know how to do so because all the text is in German.

I was also wondering if C64 Studio 7.1 allows us to change the palette used when displaying charsets.

Kommentar von Endurion:
Send the files to georg@georg-rottensteiner.de please.

Regarding the palette, do you mean changing the look of the fixed 16 colors? Or for the Mega65 modes?

s IP angucken

erstellt am 24. Mai 2022 um 22:28 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
Great tool! Just starting to learn assembly and code for the C64. C64 studio gives me a good start fröhlich keep up the great work!

s IP angucken

erstellt am 09. Mai 2022 um 14:14 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
The update to auto-complete in comments worked perfectly.
Thank you.

s IP angucken

erstellt am 22. April 2022 um 18:09 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
I love C64 Studio, but one thing really aggravates me - the auto-complete feature auto completes my comments! Whenever I write a comment I have to add a space at the end or click away in order for the last word not to auto-complete into a variable name or something similar.

Would it be possible to remove auto-complete when the user is typing a comment?

It is otherwise a very useful feature in what is a great IDE.

Kind regards!

Kommentar von Endurion:
Glad you like it! That one was easy to add, try with the WIP version from https://www.georg-rottensteiner.de/webmisc/C64StudioRelease.zip.

Have fun!

s IP angucken

erstellt am 08. April 2022 um 2:40 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten



doesnt seem to work, error

46;E1200;D:Commodore 64MY MUSICrandomtest1.asm;Redefinition of label Q1
46;E1200;D:Commodore 64MY MUSICrandomtest1.asm; already defined in D:Commodore 64MY MUSICrandomtest1.asm at line 46
46;E1200;D:Commodore 64MY MUSICrandomtest1.asm;Redefinition of label Q1
46;E1200;D:Commodore 64MY MUSICrandomtest1.asm; already defined in D:Commodore 64MY MUSICrandomtest1.asm at line 46
46;E1200;D:Commodore 64MY MUSICrandomtest1.asm;Redefinition of label Q1
46;E1200;D:Commodore 64MY MUSICrandomtest1.asm; already defined in D:Commodore 64MY MUSICrandomtest1.asm at line 46

Please help, using c64 studio v6.9


Ah, you're using global labels inside the macro.

Try putting a . in front:



s IP angucken

erstellt am 02. April 2022 um 9:51 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
Hallo Endurion,

> Kommentar von Endurion:
> Hi,
> Hast du die Version hier von der Homepage benutzt? Welche Version von WinVICE?
> Habe es gerade mit 2.4 und 3.2 getestet, kein Problem dabei.

wow, danke für die schnelle Rückmeldung! Ich hatte es mit VICE 3.6.1 (64bit SDL2) ausprobiert. Heute habe ich VICE 3.6.1 (64bit GTK3) verwendet und damit läuft das Spiel! :-) Und ich finde es cool. Vielen, vielen Dank dafür!

Viele Grüße

s IP angucken

erstellt am 02. April 2022 um 5:07 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
I recently upgraded from C64Studio 6.5 to 7.1 on Windows 10, and I tried to compile an ASM file that previosuly worked on version 6.5, but it said "build failed" and it gave this info in the output window:

"An error occurred during building an element
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length
at System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy)
at C64Studio.Types.TokenInfo.get_Content()
at C64Studio.Parser.ASMFileParser.ParseTokenInfo(String Source, Int32 Start, Int32 Length, Map`2 TextCodeMapping)
at C64Studio.Parser.ASMFileParser.PrepareLineTokens(String Line, Map`2 TextCodeMapping)
at C64Studio.Parser.ASMFileParser.PreProcess(String[] Lines, String ParentFilename, ProjectConfig Configuration, String AdditionalPredefines, Boolean& HadFatalError)
at C64Studio.Parser.ASMFileParser.Parse(String Content, ProjectConfig Configuration, CompileConfig Config, String AdditionalPredefines)
at C64Studio.Parser.ParserBase.ParseFile(String Filename, String SourceCode, ProjectConfig Configuration, CompileConfig Config, String AdditionalPredefines)
at C64Studio.MainForm.ParseFile(ParserBase Parser, DocumentInfo Document, ProjectConfig Configuration, String AdditionalPredefines, Boolean OutputMessages, Boolean CreatePreProcessedFile, Boolean CreateRelocationFile)
at C64Studio.Tasks.TaskCompile.BuildElement(DocumentInfo Doc, String ConfigSetting, String AdditionalPredefines, Boolean OutputMessages, BuildInfo& BuildInfo, FileInfo& FileInfo)"

Even before that, when i simply loaded that ASM file, it said this in the output window:

"An exception occurred: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length
at System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy)
at C64Studio.Types.TokenInfo.get_Content()
at C64Studio.Parser.ASMFileParser.ParseTokenInfo(String Source, Int32 Start, Int32 Length, Map`2 TextCodeMapping)
at C64Studio.Parser.ASMFileParser.PrepareLineTokens(String Line, Map`2 TextCodeMapping)
at C64Studio.Parser.ASMFileParser.PreProcess(String[] Lines, String ParentFilename, ProjectConfig Configuration, String AdditionalPredefines, Boolean& HadFatalError)
at C64Studio.Parser.ASMFileParser.Parse(String Content, ProjectConfig Configuration, CompileConfig Config, String AdditionalPredefines)
at C64Studio.Parser.ParserBase.ParseFile(String Filename, String SourceCode, ProjectConfig Configuration, CompileConfig Config, String AdditionalPredefines)
at C64Studio.Tasks.TaskParseFile.ProcessTask()
at C64Studio.Tasks.Task.RunTask()"

I tried deleting 7.1 and going back to 6.5, but when I tried to run it it gave this error message before it even opened:

"System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Please help me!

Kommentar von Endurion:
The old version probably can't work with the modified settings file.

Could you email me the offending code file so I can fix the crash?
Sorry about the problems!

s IP angucken

erstellt am 01. April 2022 um 21:34 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
Hallo Endurion,

komischerweise stürzt Downhill Challenge bei mir mit einem Plopp-Geräusch ab, wenn es nach dem Starten den Titelscreen erreicht. Probiert habe ich es auf der aktuellsten Version von CCS64, WinVice und Yace64. Außerdem habe ich das Image noch von einer anderen Quelle geladen (CSDB) -- leider dasselbe Ergebnis.

Mache ich was falsch?


Kommentar von Endurion:
Hast du die Version hier von der Homepage benutzt? Welche Version von WinVICE?
Habe es gerade mit 2.4 und 3.2 getestet, kein Problem dabei.

s IP angucken

erstellt am 05. März 2022 um 12:09 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
Hi Georg,

Please find below the data statements from BASIC Program. If all data is correct then you should not get the error!. The original program did not copy line 700 DATA numbers and hence error.

Please convert this program into ML for me! thanks


Kommentar von Endurion:
See your email reply! fröhlich

s IP angucken

erstellt am 05. März 2022 um 12:04 Uhr MEZ   Eintrag löschen  Kommentar hinzufügen  Eintrag bearbeiten
600 REM ***** LESS DATA! *******
610 DATA 0,1,1432,2,3406,2,3215,2,2864,2,3215,2,3406,2
620 DATA 2145,12
630 DATA 1432,2,3406,2,3215,2,2864,2,3215,2,3406,2
640 DATA 4291,6,2145,6,0,0
700 DATA
710 DATA 8583,2,7647,2,6812,2,6430,2,5728,2,5103,2,0,0
800 DATA 15294,40,11457,4
810 DATA 8583,44,11457,4
820 DATA 12860,40,11457,4,8583,4,7647,48,0,0

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